Gold Note
Gold Note Tuscany
Gold Note Tuscany
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The Gold Note Tuscany is the best cartridge Gold Note has ever made, simple as that. Over 20 years of experience have led to the creation of this jewel, born from the collaboration with Adamant-Namiki in Japan.
The Tuscany features an extra-thin Micro Ridge diamond tip, an elegant and minimal linear design for optimum balance, and long gold-plated connectors to provide the best contact with the groove and easy handling. The Tuscany is available in two models: Gold, with an output level of 0,25mV and a frequency response of 5-55000Hz - Red, with an output level of 0,35mV and a frequency response of 10-50000Hz.
The Italian high-quality exotic design of the Tuscany Series is made to satisfy the most demanding ears for an uncompromising musical pleasure.
These phenomenal cartridges feature an extra-thin Micro Ridge diamond stylus-tip developed by Adamant-Namiki, the world’s most famous Diamond stylus manufacturer. With its exclusive cut, it guarantees a deep vinyl groove contact like no others. Its thin and long gold-plated pin connectors enable an ideal contact with the arm cinch to avoid energy dispersion and improve grounding for a surprisingly silent background that reveals at its very best every single musical detail.
Paired with the B-7 Ceramic tonearm and Mediterraneo turntable, it represents the unique true High-End analogue set-up exclusively handmade in Italy.
The Tuscany cartridges are available in two models, Gold and Red which feature precious pure silver and copped coils.